Why this blog?

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Just setting up up a place to blog specifically about web development, and open source stuff. Maybe more specifically I will attempt to make posts here about doing web development using open source tools. I use Ubuntu and associated software to do most of my work, and I feel like there are often things worth pointing out to others in the same situation or to convince others that this is a good way to do development. Realistically I probably won’t be posting stuff all that often. Sure I could host a WordPress blog myself, but that is more than I want to worry about. Hosting it here on wordpress.com lets me worry less about maintaining a blog. I will use the time and effort saved to try to write stuff worth reading.

2020 update

sometime in the past decade I separated my blogs. aeischeid.wordpress.com is still going, this one is for more technical stuff i guess. see https://aaideas.com/2020/02/10/new-blog-tool/ for more deets